
Agile organization

Apr 5, 2024

What is an agile organization?

An agile organization is a company that uses agile principles to manage its operations. The core principles of an agile organization are focused on results, the customer and team, and the process. 

What is an agile company in practice? That type of company has its pros and cons.  


  • Agile organizations have less bureaucracy and fewer layers of management, which means that decision-making is faster.
  • They are more flexible because they have fewer rules and regulations to follow. This means that decisions can be made quickly, based on the circumstances at hand.


  • Lack of hierarchy and structure can lead to a lack of clarity about who's in charge at any given time; no one person can truly take control and make decisions in a timely manner. 
  • Lack of accountability makes it difficult for teams to learn from their mistakes when they do occur; nobody feels responsible for what happens during their shift/time period (or however long it lasts). 
  • Without clear direction from above — or even within each individual team working together — projects can feel directionless or lost without someone steering them along properly.