

Apr 5, 2024

What is Absconding?

Absconding is the failure to attend work without notice. It can also refer to an employee who works elsewhere during his or her contracted time, without permission from their employer.

It’s considered a breach of contract.

Employees have the right to leave work without notice, but they must still provide a reasonable explanation if they do so. This is known as absconding. When an employee fails to provide information about their absence and doesn’t know why they are missing work, this is considered a breach of contract. It’s crucial that managers understand the difference between termination and absconding before taking action against an absent employee. The meaning of absconding allows you to be objective when making a decision regarding an employee. 

Absconding from work is considered illegal because it breaches the terms of your employment contract, which states that the employee must stay with the employer until the end of your contractual obligations with them (usually one year).

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