9-box model
Apr 4, 2024

What is a 9-box model?

The 9-box model for talent management is a tool that businesses can use to determine the development needs of their employees. It allows organizations to look at their talent pool through a strategic lens and plan for future needs. It is a visual representation of the performance and potential levels of your team members. By defining nine distinct performance levels (1-9), you can visualize where each employee stands in relation to others on the team. This allows you to see how they are performing compared with each other and identify gaps in ability or knowledge.

Why does your company need a 9-box model?

The 9-grid box rating system is useful for organizations wanting to understand how many employees have the skills needed for certain leadership roles or career paths. The 9-box grid provides a way for you to visualize your current workforce and identify employees who are ready for promotion, require training or development, or need to be moved out of their position due to low performance.

Organizational needs will change with time, and the 9-box model can help businesses stay ahead by predicting employee needs in the near and distant future.

How to create a 9-grid box?

A 9-box talent matrix is a tool used to identify employees who are ready for promotion, require training or development, or need to be moved out of their position. The nine boxes in the grid represent three categories of employees:

  • High potential. Employees who have demonstrated leadership skills and can take on more responsibility at work
  • Staff who need development. These employees may not be performing up to their abilities, but they have the potential to improve with additional training
  • Stars who need coaching. These employees show strong performance but could use some guidance from management

Pros and cons of 9-box model

The 9-box talent review has its pros and cons. 


  • The 9-box analysis helps you identify potential and areas of development in your employees. It allows you to look at your staff from multiple perspectives, giving you a more holistic view of their performance.
  • You have the freedom to assign any employee to any box, which means that it can accommodate all types of employees, including those who are underperforming or struggling with a particular skill set.
  • One of the biggest benefits of using the 9-box succession planning model is that it helps to identify the employee in need of development. This can be done by identifying their strengths, weaknesses and performance gaps as well as determining what areas they need to work on and what type of development would benefit them most.


  • Performance ratings can be very subjective, so there's concern about bias in determining them. If your managers are judging you based on their own personal feelings about your work rather than what you actually did, this can lead to unfair treatment and resentment on both sides.
  • The nine grid box model doesn't always translate well into real-world practice because there is no universal standard for what constitutes "good" or "bad" performance within any given company or industry sector (so if all companies use this method for performance assessments).